Saturday, October 29, 2011

BC's Education Plan

"... at the fall meeting of BC Student Voice, Education Minister George Abbott addressed student leaders and launched BC’s Education Plan to build on the system’s strengths and put students at the centre of their own learning."

View the plan here,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Personalized Learning in BC

The Ministry of Education has released a new interactive discussion guide on personalized learning.  The guide is intended to provide information and give an overview of personalized learning and an opportunity to submit your feedback and questions to the Ministry of Education.

Follow the link to view the interactive guide:

Instructions for using the interactive guide:

 ·Viewing and navigating the document
     Use the navigation pane at the bottom of the page (grey bar)
     “view full screen” command is on the right corner
      Advance to next page is in the middle
      and the zoom and home buttons are on the far left
      you may also click and drag on the corners of the pages to turn

· Feedback may be typed into the appropriate text boxes, click on the “submit” button for each completed response when done.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dr Paul Kershaw - "Smart and Green Family Policy"

"Dr Paul Kershaw is a farmer morning and night. By day, he is an academic, public speaker, media contributor and volunteer. "Armed with a laptop and a raft of statistics," The Vancouver Province describes him as "a one-man road show trying to change BC one talk at a time."
Change is necessary, he argues, because BC's generation of 25-44 year olds struggle, which is having harmful consequences for the next generation of children. 30% of BC children arrive at kindergarten developmentally vulnerable, and most are not poor.
Among the general public, he argues that 'Being Canadian' may be making us sick, because the medical system in which we take national pride shows more of a disease fetish than an aspiration to promote health by investing in families with young kids."
His five part presentation "Smart and Green Family Policy" can be found on his blog....

Monday, April 18, 2011

New, FREE Learning Resources from ICBC

ICBC has worked with teachers and road safety experts to prepare NEW, free of charge learning resources to ensure that B.C. students develop road safety skills and awareness. These educational materials support prescribed learning outcomes as established by the B.C. Ministry of Education for students in Kindergarten through Grade 10. Activities in these guides relate road safety concerns to larger issues such as personal and social responsibility, risk assessment and decision-making. More information available at;

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

BC's New Minister of Education

Welcome back George Abbott.

Click here to watch his November presentation to the BC School Superintendent's fall conference...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Our Health, Our Future - A National Dialogue on Healthy Weights

Do you eat healthy? Are you physically active? Are you at a healthy weight?

Did you know that Canada is facing a childhood obesity epidemic? Everyone needs to take action today to support the healthy development of children and youth and to prevent health problems related to overweight and obesity. Canada’s Federal, Provincial and Territorial governments would like to hear your ideas.

Healthy weights for a new generation – it’s our health, it’s our future, It’s our goal. We need to act now. We need to act together. Participate today!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pink Shirt Day is February 23

Students from David Lloyd George Elementary and Churchill Secondary created an anti-bullying message at Oakridge Centre in Vancouver last month.

Free Education Money You May Not Know About...

Canada Learning Bond;

You can get up to $2,000 in free education money...REALLY! All you have to do is open a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). You don't have to put any of your money into the plan to get this money from the Government of Canada. When you open an RESP, the Government will deposit $500 right away and could deposit up to $1,500 more by the time your child is 15. That's up to $2,000 for your child’s education after high school.

Your child can get the Canada Learning Bond if your child was born January 1, 2004 or after AND your family receives the National Child Benefit Supplement (net income is $40,970 or less).


Friday, February 11, 2011

Personalized Learning

Superintendent Mr Gook presented a PowerPoint presentation at our February DPAC meeting around "personalized learning". The following are two video clips from that presentation...

Changing Education Paradigms;

This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award.
Learning to Learn;
Shelley Wright is a high school teacher in Moose Jaw, SK. She has been recently making some significant changes to her teaching and classroom. This video highlights some of the things that she's been implementing.

21st Century Education in New Brunswick
Do you have thoughts or ideas? No need to sign it, just press the comment link, and share.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Happy New Year"

We at DPAC wish you all a happy and healthy New Year and look forward to working with you in 2011.